Finally! A sentence that makes sense! I've mentioned in past posts I am a sugar feen so when I first heard dark chocolate had so many health benefits I nearly jumped up and bought a pound that day.
Yes, you read it correctly, I did say DARK chocolate. Don’t let this discourage you though, when I first tried dark chocolate I didn’t find it appeasing. However, I started with the lower percentage stuff (50%) then worked my way up. Now I find it satisfying and just as tasty as milk chocolate.
The reason milk chocolate is not as beneficial (besides the fact that most companies pump it with sugar) is the milk in it and/or eating chocolate with milk stops the absorption of antioxidants found in dark chocolate.

Okay, on to the good stuff. As in why eating dark chocolate is a great idea:
The cocoa bean found in dark chocolate is high in fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron, + zinc.
It has healthy monosaturated and saturated fatty acids as well as caffeine to help stimulate your brain! (Hint: Those are all good for you)
Dark chocolate is one of the most highest scoring foods for antioxidants, even more so than blueberries and Acaí berries.
Studies have shown eating dark chocolate has reduced the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure.
Improves insulin sensibility, helping to fight against diabetes.
The flavonols in dark chocolate does wonders for your blood flow to the skin while increasing skin density and hydration.
One of the most amazing parts about dark chocolate is it helps pump blood into your brain and gives you more mental focus. It has even been said to help reduce memory loss.
Eating Dark chocolate makes you feel happy. Besides the obvious reason of eating chocolate, it gives you a boost of endorphins, the feel good hormone in your body.
Lastly (at least for this post) it helps with food cravings. When you eat cheap, sugar packed chocolate and/or sweets it does not end your sugar craving. It actually puts fuel on the fire, making you crave it even more. Dark chocolate gives you the satisfaction of eating a sweet without having to indulge in too much. It not only takes the sweet tooth away but has been proven to give satisfaction for salty and savory cravings as well.
There you have it, the reasons why you should eat chocolate (as if you needed that many) but it is important to know what you’re eating and why.
I will have a few pieces with my red wine at night. It is the perfect dessert that doesn't spoil my healthy eating!
One word of caution: balance is the key to life so make sure you do not over indulge in anything, chocolate included. Try having just one small piece and enjoy the flavor in the moment as it does have quite a lot of calories attached to it.

*much of my information came from this awesome website called with other small resources coming from other sites.