Creating space for yourself during your day is crucial if you want to live and healthy, stress free life daily. Yes, you will have days that won't go well, but if you have some time set aside each day to fill up your cup you will be better equipped for when things go down.
For me, my time is in the morning. My morning routine is really more of my saving grace. It's my quiet time, my prayer time, where I can fill up my cup in order to pour it out for others. Without this time I get frustrated, stressed out, and I don't feel good in my own skin.
What gets scheduled gets done
If you don't make time for yourself then it won't happen so even if you have to be like me and wake up before the sun does, do it. You'll thank me later.
Trust me, I told myself I'd never wake up early again after I quit my early morning classes but I've actually learned to love watching the sun rise as I drink my morning coffee listening to what God has to say to me that morning.
As for what I actually do during that time, it took awhile to get it down to where
A) It felt habitual and
B) I felt like I fed myself fully.

I tried several different things at different times which I encourage you to do as well. Explore what makes you happy, what feeds you. Below I listed my ritual as a guide but you are the only one who can really say what feeds you the best.
Plus, exploring these options is fun to get to know yourself. Before I give my routine though I need to urge you on what NOT to do.
Check your phone
Play on social media
check your voicemail
Look at your calendar of everything you have to do that day
This is YOUR time. Leave everything else at the door. It will all be there when you are done, I promise.
Now, here is what I do:
Sleep cycle wake up alarm between 5:10-5:40am (sleep cycle is an amazing app that has changed the way I sleep. It wakes me up at the best time depending on where I am in my sleep cycle, hence the name. I don't really know how it does it, but it does. It's magic and I highly recommend it & it's FREE.)
pee (this is important haha)
Turn on kettle for coffee ( I use a french press, also something I recommend)
While the water is heating up I stand in my kitchen and do some yoga stretches to wake myself up.
Once the water is heated and I fill up my french press I write my affirmations. I write the same line 15-20 times every day in my journal. It's my big goal at the moment that I write down. If you want to do this start it with "I, (your name), will be..." then finish the sentence.
I prepare my coffee, get in my spot on the couch next to the window with my reading light on and kitties snuggling my feet. There I sit in silence for a minute with my eyes closed and just feel. I feel myself, how my body feels, how being alive feels, my breath going in and out of my lunges, the buzz of life around me, the feeling of God around me, all of it.
After my meditation and prayer time, I will write more if I feel like writing then finish it with reading a book. Right now I'm reading Richard Branson's Finding My Virginity autobiography, it's brilliant.
That's it! By that time my little guy starts to wake up and I go snuggle him before starting breakfast for the family.
Notice the triggers I put in there for my routine. The kettle boiling is my time to stretch. The time it takes to finish my french press is the time it takes to do my affirmations. It helps to keep me on track so I can get everything in during my hour or so without feeling pressed for time.
I chose a physical act (stretch), a spiritual act (prayer and meditation), and a mental act (affirmations, writing, and reading). I would recommend doing the same for yourself.
Other options you could try instead:
do a small workout (10 pushups, 15 squats, 30 bicycles)
Draw or paint if you are an artist
walk your dog if you have one and have the freedom
do a puzzle
meditate using a meditation app
I would love to hear from you! What are some things you do during your morning routine or night routine if you have it after everyone goes to sleep? Also, did this post help you?